Telling a story…

Storytelling is one of the oldest forms of communication. It is a way of passing down wisdom and experience from one generation to the next and of glimpsing into the world through the eyes of another person.

Today we are going to look at how you could involve your students in telling their own stories and sharing them in a digital format.




This was my example from when I first learnt how to create a digital story


Some resources on the thinking and process behind digital storytelling by Bernajean Porter – an American guru on digital storytelling ( her website is )

The Art of Digital Storytelling

Digital Storytelling Across the Curriculum


A great resource highlighting the steps used in the digitalstorytelling process

StoryMaking Steps


We are going to follow the story making process from beginning to end, exactly as you would with a class of students.

Our first step is to plan what our story is going to be about

With my students we do this as a hard copy, just for ease of spelling correction for me.

Here is the planner I would like you to use

I’m A Teacher planner


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